I’m navigating change

At some stage, we’ll all be faced with tough personal moments, difficult decisions or change.

Our team are here to help you prepare for, and navigate these events with Personal Law advice that’s clear, sensitive and tailored to your unique situation.

We want to help you find the best options and solutions for your family’s future. And wherever possible, we’ll look for ways to make the process easier and less stressful.

When a loved one passes away or needs care

We make every effort to make the processes around managing your loved one’s affairs as stress-free and clear as possible.

  • Estate Administration is the process of carrying out a person's wishes, as set out in their Will. This includes obtaining legal authority to act on behalf of that person and then distributing their assets. We’ll help you understand this process and provide support through each step.

  • Enduring Power of Attorney is a legal document where a person names a trusted person (called an attorney) who will act on their behalf in the event you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself. We can help you or a loved one understand this document, and provide advice on things to consider when making one. If you have been named as an attorney, we can also help you navigate any legal issues that come up when undertaking your duties.

  • In most retirement villages you do not purchase the property to own but instead buy a licence to occupy (either a room, unit or stand-alone home) with additional fees paid on top to cover the care provided and maintenance. When you leave the home you (or your estate) will receive a portion of the licence fee back. It’s important to gain independent legal advice to clearly understand the terms of the retirement village contract and policies, as well as your financial obligations.


Relationship Matters

When your circumstances change, there can be a lot on your plate. We focus on the outcomes you want, providing clear, practical advice and guidance right through the process.

  • If you’re married or in a de facto relationship, the Property Relationships Act applies to you. Even if property is in your name, or you keep you finances separate, you may find that on separation, your assets are divided equally. We can explain how this law applies to your relationship and what you can do to keep your assets safe. Our trusted network of relationship property specialists are on call to help if difficulties arise.

  • Your Will may need to change as your life does. Important times to consider a review include: family and relationship changes; if the executor or a significant beneficiary named in your Will passes away, or if your assets or debts increase significantly. You may also need to review whether your chosen Executor is still the right person to manage your affairs when you pass away.

  • Enduring Power of Attorney is a document where you name a trusted person (called an attorney) who will act on your behalf in the event you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself. If you’ve created one in the past, now is the time to review it to ensure the provisions within match your circumstances and are right for you.

Let’s Talk.

If you’re navigating change or just need advice about something that’s on the horizon, contact our team to discuss how we can help.


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